World of Velv'Or RSS

Unleash your Alter Ego with our JNaja

About the JNaja The JNaja is created to give you a different sensation while wearing a Cock Ring. The pressure on your perineum results in stronger erections and very powerful ejaculation. While being EnRinged you will enjoy the benefits of a perineum massage. Massaging this sensitive area of your body has great benefits on your sexual health. All the nerves linked to your sexual activity are running through this area. They will be reset and this makes your entire body to relax, which results in prolonging the time to ejaculate. Wearing the JNaja can be compared to an internal prostate massage. Due to the design of the JNaja it is very comfortable to wear throughout the day, besides intercourse and...

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Reddit Post - Sunday evening veiny, NJoying in my 50mm JNada ring

Will it also be your Sunday CRing? Or also your Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday CRing?? @030EnRic owns multiple CRings of ours in multiple sizes and colors!!  Check out the post on Reddit at We are looking forward seeing your posts on Reddit as well!! Feel free to also post them in this sub-Reddit:  

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Words of an addickted nudist

Every time a member of the League Of EnRinged Gentlemen shares his story with me I feel honored!! 
This also counts for this Dutch ADDICKTED Gentleman!! If you also are a TrueNudist and love to get in contact with this Dutch Gentleman please email us your TrueNudist profile link so we can share this with the Dutch Gentleman so you two can connect and share EnRinged and or EnRiched moments!!!

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