New treatment

I recently decided to add a new treatment for all 3D Printed Ergonomic Designs. From now on they can also be Vapor Polished beside the standard Tumbling. Due to the Vapor Polishing the surface of the JNada, JNaja, JNamo and JNata is way smoother and the color is different.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE - While all JNada's, JNaja's, JNamo's and JNata's are individually Printed, Dyed, Tumbled or Polished NONE will be identical meaning that yours might be slightly different in color compared to the ones on the pictures!! - THANKS FOR ACCEPTING AN INDIVIDUAL CREATED CRING

Here are some pictures.

Beige Polished JNada & JNata - CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE

Black Polished JNaja & JNata

Blue Polished JNada & JNaja

Grey Polished JNada

Orange Polished JNaja

Purple Polished JNada

Purple Polished JNata

Red Polished JNaja

White Polished JNaja

Violet Polished JNaja

Vigor Blue Polished JNaja & JNata

Vigor Orange Polished JNada

Vigor Pink Polished JNada

Vigor Purple Polished JNada

Vigor Red Polished JNata


Here is a video that shows the Vapor Polishing process.

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